Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hurricane Earl-Email to a friend

I'm going to share an email I sent to a friend about Hurricane Earl, which passed closed to Puerto Rico yesterday night.

Thankfully it was not a big deal, because it passed right by the island. So people back home felt tropical storm winds instead of full blown hurricane winds. The eastern part of the island took the biggest hit, as it almost always happens. Thankfully, my family lives in the north, near San Juan, so they are OK. Lots of flooding and no electricity, but that always happens with hurricanes so people are used to it. As such, there isn't that much damage compared to a full blown hurricane. As of now, I haven't heard of any deaths (they are pretty rare back home when hurricanes/storms pass). The government agencies in charge of emergencies are pretty good at this, and people that live in flooding areas are always ushered to secure shelters (mainly schools) and given food and stuff. My family is OK, I kept checking with them yesterday. My family's houses are sturdy, so I'm not worried. This is pretty typical. Here are some links to pics from the local newspapers., the captions are in Spanish but the arrows to next and previous are easy to figure out how to move back and forth. While the images might seem like a lot, it's nothing compared to what happens to Dominican Republic when this kind of thing happens (sadly). Here are two links, one is the official newspaper's pictures, and the other is people's pictures of the hurricane.

Thanks for your concern,
Dave the Half-Blood Roboto

(A lot of this pictures, apart from the obvious one show the impact of the hurricane on Culebra and Vieques (Puerto Rico's two island/municipalities east of the main island and people in the shelters)

Map of Vieques and Culebra east of the main island:


Friday, August 13, 2010

Paula Deen and deep fried yumminess

Talking to my coworker, I realized that once you turn 25 you start to gain more weight if you continue the same high calorie diet you previously had. Which is why I'm trying to eat better. Nonetheless, I must admit that a lot of the delicious food I eat is high on calories and other detrimental factors for your health. While I think on ways to change my behaviors, here is a link an article rightfully titled: Paula Deen Is Trying to Kill Us.
