Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"I'm's my day off and i just want to dance"

I won't lie... I really like the beat of this song. I just want to dance. It also reminds me of the good times I spent with one of my new friends hanging out.

But, listening to the lyrics and watching the video makes me cringe on the inside. It's very hypocritical, for me to claim one thing one day and then just throw it out the window on the weekends when I'm raging in the city. Makes me rethink my values and my judgement.

It also makes me rethink how judgmental I can be (and how I used to be worse when I was young) of popular culture. I say this because it's always makes you feel better when you think you are 'better than that' and pass judgement on what others are doing; it does!

Is it ok for me to turn off the 'intellectualism' for a bit and just enjoy popular culture?
Can I rationalize then watching Jersey Shore for it's pop-culture value (and secretly enjoy it) but then bash the blatant objectification and obscene portrayal of latino society in this video?
Can't we just dance?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Anal sex and Women and the National Sex Survey

Thought these were some interesting articles about the sex behaviors of Americans; specially in regards to anal sex and women...  Interesting topics... is the taboo dwindling?

Here are the Links